Today we bring to you antoher order, in this case a double one, as it is a present our client wanted to make for her daugther and granddagther.
Empecemos por la madre:
Esta tenia la particularidad de que la querían vestida de medico, ya que esa es la profesión que desempeña la persona a la que se le iba a regalar. Al ser de un hospital concreto, tuvimos que buscar imágenes de como era el uniforme y las tarjetas para poder hacerla lo mas exacta posible.
Let us begin with the mother:
This had the particularity that the client wanted the doll dress as a doctor, as that is the job of the one who this doll is for. The uniform and the acreditation are from a specific Hospital so we had to search photografs from the place to know how they were to make the doll the more accurate posible.
Let us begin with the mother:
This had the particularity that the client wanted the doll dress as a doctor, as that is the job of the one who this doll is for. The uniform and the acreditation are from a specific Hospital so we had to search photografs from the place to know how they were to make the doll the more accurate posible.
Como siempre nos suele ocurrir con los encargos, también aprendimos cosas nuevas, como el hacer el estetoscopio que todos los médicos tienen casi siempre colgado al cuello.
Like always with this kind of orders, we learn to make new things, like the stethoscope doctors and medics use to weare when working.
Like always with this kind of orders, we learn to make new things, like the stethoscope doctors and medics use to weare when working.
La peque:
Una de las cosas que tuvo este doble encargo y con el que nosotras nos quedamos muy encantadas fue que todo nos salió a la primera, excepto los zapatos de la nena (un día haremos un post sobre este asunto que tiene su miga), que parecerán sencillos, cuando en la realidad son la parte mas difícil de confeccionar. Estos tuvimos que repetirlos cuatro veces.
The child:
One of the things of this double order and which we are happy about, is tath everything was right at first try, except the little one shoes (we plan on doing a post about this) they appeared easy, but actually is one of the most difficult parts to make. We have to redo them four times till we get them right.
The child:
One of the things of this double order and which we are happy about, is tath everything was right at first try, except the little one shoes (we plan on doing a post about this) they appeared easy, but actually is one of the most difficult parts to make. We have to redo them four times till we get them right.
Como habréis podido apreciar, hemos optado por poner esta entrada (y las que vienen) tanto en español como en ingles para llegar a mas cantidad de gente.
As you can see, we wrote this post in English and Spanish to reach more people. Please, forgive the possible grammar errors we could make. English is not our mother language.