Se trata de una feria de recreación en la que se muestra un suceso que aconteció en el concejo de Llanera en 1408.
This week will not show you any doll, instead we have another kind of post that we wanted to do. It's that this past weekend we were in the Exconxuraos.
It's a medieval fair in which is shown an event that happened in the region of Llanera in 1408.
En aquel entonces, los vecinos del concejo se rebelaron contra el obispo de Oviedo y fueron excomulgados por este. Dejan de darse misas, de oírse las campanas y de oficiarse entierros entre otras cosas. Esto dura cuatro años, ya que con la muerte del obispo y teniendo uno nuevo, se re-establecen las comunicaciones y se les concede el perdón a todos los habitantes del territorio de Llanera.
Esto es a grandes rasgos lo que nos cuenta la historia.
At that time, the neighbors of the region rebelled against the bishop of Oviedo and were excommunicated by this. They ceased to do religious services, officiate burials among other things, even the bells didn't sound. This lasts for four years; with the death of that bishop. and having a new one, the communications were re-established and he granted pardon to all inhabitants of the territory of Llanera.
This is roughly what the history says.
Con motivo de este suceso, hace ya una década que se viene celebrando esta fiesta en la que se puede encontrar una representación de lo ocurrido, ademas de una cena al estilo medieval acompañada de un torneo, mercado medieval y varios espectáculos.
To commemorate this event, For ten years now, the City Hall holds a party where you can find a representation of what happened, plus a medieval-style dinner along with a tournament, a medieval market and several shows.
A nosotras nos gusta bastante este tipo de cosas, solemos intentar ir todos los años y hasta nos hicimos un traje para ir lo mas acorde posibles a la época (traje que intentamos ir mejorando poco a poco). En pocas palabras, nos encanta la recreación histórica, sobre todo en lo que respecta a vestimenta. Encontramos muy interesante el saber que técnicas se usaban para confeccionar las prendas.
We love this kind of things, and usually try to go every year, and even made ourselves a dress to go as accurate as possible. In short, we love historical recreation, especially regarding to clothes. We find very interesting to know which techniques were used to make garments.
We love this kind of things, and usually try to go every year, and even made ourselves a dress to go as accurate as possible. In short, we love historical recreation, especially regarding to clothes. We find very interesting to know which techniques were used to make garments.
Well, with bright sunshine and a baking hot, the Sunday we enjoyed, among other things, the representation of the tournament by the company Drakonia and explanations of how men and women dressed at that time, formation battles and how the knights puts the armor on ,which were present in the area of the mercenary camp, this explanations were in charge of Kérberos and Peplo Cultural Associations